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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Developing Solutions While Remote

Working remote changes things. It makes it harder for me to drop into someone's cube to talk my latest puzzle out with them. Often, it is the process of articulating the puzzle that helps me find the solution.
Talking Through a
Sound Reinforcement Issue

How can I do this now? Use more communication tools with colleagues!  There are many tools out there that run on multiple platforms that will allow you do communicate with friends.

Check out my post "Staying Connected in a Time of Social Distancing" for some tools I have used lately.

How do you best solve problems?

How are you problems solving when remote?

Leave a comment and let others know.

#solvingproblems #staysafe
#getmodern #worksafe #remoteworking #remoteworktips #remoteworklife #problemsolving #thinkingdifferently #thinkingoutsidethebox #thewaywethink

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Sharpening Your Programming Skills!

The problem I have with looking for work is finding something to keep my programming skills sharp. Just like a knife can get dull if it is not sharpened, so can programming skills.

I was recently introduced to an interesting site as part of an interview process. Codility is a site recruiters and hiring managers use to see if you really have the coding skills you say you do,... But it is also so much more.  It's a place where you can learn and practice your skills.

Verifying Your Skills

My introduction to Codility was as part of an interview. It helps answer the questions of "Do I know what I say I do?" and "How do I approach solving problems?"

Unlike many of the sites I have taken coding tests, this tests not only your programming knowledge, but also your ability to take a problem, solve it, and deliver working code in a real language. There are no questions like

What is the value of y in this C++ code?

int x;
auto y = x + 2;
y /= 2;
A) 0   B) 1   C) 231  D) undefined
Instead, you are given a problem to solve with your own code in your choice of language (C++, C, Java, Basic, and a lot more). You have access to an online compiler so you can test your code, and you can even create your own test input. There is some pressure, as you are given a limited amount of time to do it. Once you submit your code, you are done, and automated testing evaluates it.

The problems are interesting and designed to test different parts of your programming talent. Based on the ones I have tried, a problem might be something like this: (I hope I don't guess a real one!)

Given a set of arbitrary positive integers, find all of the prime numbers in the set and then calculate the mean, medium and average of those primes. You have 30 minutes.

[Oh cr*p! having written that problem, I feel the need to try solving it myself.]

Sharpening Your Skills

After taking a couple of tests, I found out about Codility for Programmers. This is where you can sharpen your skills by going through lessons and completing challenges. Working through a few lessons helped me remembered things I hadn't used in a while, and learned how think through all of the possible ways my code might fail.  [I have been using Qt so extensively for the past few years that I sometimes forget how to use the C++ Std functions instead. Working through the lessons and exercises helped me refresh that knowledge.]

If you want to keep your coding sharp, you really should check out the Programmers section of Codility at

Another way to Learn (or blatant self promotion)

If you are interested in learning more about programming with Qt or doing Embedded Development with Qt, please consider checking out Hands-on Embedded Programming with Qt. In it I introduce you to almost every aspect of Qt programming and how you can use it for Embedded Software.  It's available digitally and in hard copy on Amazon and the Packt Publishing website.

Stay Safe!

#Packt #Qt #Qt5 #EmbeddedSW #Codility #SharpenTheSaw #TestYourSkills #KeepLearning

Free Qt Training & Convention!

UPDATE: Videos of the sessions are now available online:

The world has changed the last few months. Many events have been cancelled or rescheduled. I was hoping to go to the 2020 Qt World Summit in May, but it was cancelled... or was it.

I recently came across a post from the Qt company. It looks like the conference has been virtualized, and it is free!

Our free *Qt Virtual Tech Con* online event registrations are now open! Join 36 stellar speakers from around the globe! The live sessions with interactive Q&A are on the way to help equip you with the tools & skills you need for your technology objectives on May 12-13!

Register for free here:

Topics include, but are not limited to:
* The Qt roadmap and bridging the gap​ between UI/UX designers & software developers
* Qt basics​
* Embedded & solutions ​
* Platforms ​
* Staying ahead
and many more topics to choose from! Not only this, but you also have the Qt hotline to ask questions and get answers to best practices while you get inspired during the show.
Register and invite your peers to #QtVTC20....

Why not attend some sessions?  

Since I am at home, looking for work, and waiting for hiring to re-start, I will be there!  Will You?

#embracethesuck #QtWTC20 #Qt5 #QML #Qt